Melina Thibault

Melina Thibault

PhD student
McGill University

I am a PhD student in Epidemiology at McGill. I completed a dual-degree Master’s program in Public Health (MScPH) from McGill and in Public Health Data Science (MScPHDS) from the University of Bordeaux. I conducted my MScPHDS thesis with the D3Mod lab, delving into the effects of the pandemic on colonoscopy services in Quebec. I have a bachelor’s degree in Anatomy and Cell Biology from McGill, with minors in Anthropology and Psychology.

My research interests extend to using simulation modeling for optimizing health resource utilization. This includes a continuation of my MScPHDS thesis work, investigating strategies for patient triaging to ensure the equitable and efficient use of provincial colonoscopy services. Additionally, I am involved in a parallel project exploring similar optimization strategies in the context of Emergency Medical Services. In my free time, I like hiking, drinking tea, and hanging out with my dog.

  • Health informatics/digital health
  • Health policy modeling
  • Non-communicable disease epidemiology